Psychtests.Com Releases A Battery Of Career-Specific Assessments To Help Job Seekers Find Alternative Careers releases a battery of psychological tests that give visitors the opportunity to assess their potential in a number of different specialized careers.


With the economy in turmoil and unemployment rates at a record high, many job seekers are considering retraining and/or looking at alternative careers. Being out of work can be devastating, financially and psychologically, but there might be a silver lining in the recession cloud., the most comprehensive online source of personality, intelligence, and career assessments, offers visitors an opportunity to reevaluate their interests and skills and turn things around. With a variety of tests to assess a person's suitability to different occupations, PsychTests provides would-be job seekers with a taste of what it takes to succeed in certain specialized careers.

"Under normal circumstances, many people who are unhappy with their jobs or career choices just stick with the status quo", explains Dr. Jerabek, the president of PsychTests AIM Inc. "However, now that the recession has mercilessly rocked the boat of so many Americans, they can turn it into an opportunity to reinvent themselves, and find a career that will make them truly happy and fulfilled. Often, people have rare combinations of skills and interests that make them a wonderful fit for occupations they don't even know about or would not consider, because they are not in line with their employment history. Our tests can help them find such career gems and open up some new opportunities."

PsychTests provides a number of job fit tests for users to "test the career waters", including caregiving, customer service, franchisee ownership, IT, office administration, and retail. Visitors can assess their potential in each of these careers, identify their strengths, and receive practical advice to improve the required skills and traits.

"Taking a career aptitude or job fit test is a good first step when considering a career change," suggests Dr. Jerabek. "Granted, an assessment can't account for all job experiences a person will face in a particular field, but they can provide a fairly clear understanding of the personality traits and job skills that increase the likelihood for success and help a person deal with the ups and downs of the job."

PsychTests' career tests undergo a great deal of research and development. Even after painstakingly selecting the right set of traits and skills to assess and creating appropriate questions, all tests must undergo rigorous statistical analyses. Comparisons are made between aspiring candidates and professionals who are already in the field in order to ensure that each scale assessed on a job fit test is relevant to the job.

"There aren't very many online testing portals that go the distance that we do when it comes to ensuring the reliability and validity of our career tests," emphasizes Dr. Jerabek. "Some sites try to 'fit a square peg in a round hole' so to speak, using the same basic list of scales for every occupation. While there are indeed certain traits and skills that are common and necessary to all jobs (integrity, for example), there are many differences that need to be accounted for. Caregivers don't need all the same traits as Hairdressers do, for instance. That's why we develop each test on a case-by-case basis."

The following is a list of some of the specialized career tests that PsychTests users can "test drive" in order to find a career that is truly fulfilling:

About Psychtests AIM Inc.

PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. The company's research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada.

Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President
Psychtests AIM Inc.