A blue Christmas: PsychTests offers a free Depression Test to help sufferers during the holidays

MONTREAL, CANADA (PR NEWSWIRE) -- December 23, 2009

PsychTests.com, the online testing professionals, offer their Depression Test for free until January 31, 2010, in anticipation of a potential upsurge of sadness and grief during the holiday season. To take this test for free, go to: https://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/2087

As a difficult year with economic struggles and continued strife overseas comes to a close, the holidays could be particularly tough for many of us this season. The holiday stress on its own, whatever the exact source, can trigger a depressive episode in vulnerable individuals.

The holiday season is a time when we tend to count our blessings … or lack thereof. Getting together with extended family and friends fills many hearts with a cheer; we even appreciate the little quirks and loveable neuroticism present in so many slightly dysfunctional families. Sure; Auntie Edna could have kept her nasty comments to herself about her niece being "over the hill" and "still not being married", but one can get over it if there are other things to keep the spirits up. However, there are those who are less fortunate, those who are not surrounded by a loving family, and those who have experienced a great loss recently. The elderly find this period quite difficult to cope with, often left with nothing but a memory of family around the tree. Those who drown their sorrow in alcohol or try to find solace in drugs are often hit hard by reality around this time, as witnessed by increased suicide rates. People with strained family relationships also seem to fall into the holiday blues, as do those who already struggle with depression and anxiety.

Decades of research and many campaigns helped to increase public awareness of depression as a treatable medical condition, and the stigma it once held is slowly but surely dying. Still, many bear their burden in silence, as family members, friends, and co-workers urge sufferers to "buck up" and "snap out of it", often mistaking their moods for laziness or indifference. For many, the only thing more humiliating than admitting that they are depressed is seeking help from a mental health professional, fearful of being labeled as "crazy" by those around them. Many cases of depression are left untreated as a result, worsening as time passes and during certain times of the year like the holiday season.

"It's important for both family members and those who suffer from depression to be particularly aware of the potential for emotional downturns during the holiday season," says Dr. Ilona Jerabek, the president of PsychTests. "We understand that it's normal to feel dejected if you've lost a loved one or struggled economically this year, or simply don't get along with your family. However, if this sadness persists, is accompanied by sleep or appetite changes, and you start to lose interest in things that used to make you happy, it becomes a more serious problem - and this is what concerns us."

With the holidays approaching and the potential for an increase in stress and sadness, PsychTests will temporarily offer their Depression Test for free. As the first step toward self-awareness, the online testing guru urges visitors to take their test or suggest it to a loved one if feelings of sadness and distress persist for at least two weeks.

About Psychtests AIM Inc:

Psychtests originally appeared on the internet scene in 1997. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. Psychtests staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. Psychtests was founded and is led by Dr. Ilona Jerabek, a specialist in the field of psychometric assessments and Vrat Jerabek Ph. D., a researcher and authority in the field of artificial intelligence.

Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President
Tel: 1-888-855-6975