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Turnover Probability Test (For the currently employed)

Are you the type of employee who is more likely to quit? There are certain personality traits, characteristics, and behavioral patterns that make particular individuals more vulnerable to turnover. Some people, once hired, have no qualms about walking away if they are not satisfied with the job, the company, or with management. This test is designed to identify whether you are likely to quit your current job, giving you the opportunity change your work approach and attitude for the better.

Read the statements to follow carefully and select answer choices that reflect how you usually feel or act - that most accurately describe your general feelings or behaviors. There may be some questions describing situations that do not apply to you or that you've never experienced before. In these cases, select the response that reflects what you would most likely do or feel if you ever found yourself in such a situation. In order to get the most out of the results, take the time to really think about your responses and answer as honestly as possible.

After finishing the test, you will receive a Full Report with detailed, personalized interpretation of all your test scores, an introduction, graphs, and a list of your dominant values and interests.

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