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Coachability Test

Are you a coachable employee? Your initial response may be in the affirmative, but being able to take direction and criticism, to be open to learning, and to be flexible enough to change with the needs of the company is not as easy as it sounds. Coachability is no longer limited to athletes. Many organizations are now considering this as one of the top traits to look for in job candidates.

Read the following statements carefully and choose the answer option that best applies to you. There may be some questions describing situations that may not be relevant to you. In such cases, select the answer you would most likely choose if you ever found yourself in that type of situation. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer as truthfully as possible.

After finishing the test, you will receive a list of your strengths and the areas you will need to work on. You will then have the option to purchase the full results with score breakdown, detailed interpretation, and advice.

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